Sunday, August 26, 2007

Multinational Corporate Enterprises in Saskatoon

I forgot to post this one last week after we had returned from our day in 'Toon, but I wanted to put it out there anyways because it may be interesting for those who have never been to Saskatoon.

So here goes.... imagine the Wayne's World dissolve to indicate a flashback.....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We spent most of yesterday in Saskatoon, Kathy had some appointments then she was flying out to Vancouver for a week for some unfinished BC business. Saskatoon is a nice little city; yes there's a Starbucks, it's on the Saskatchewan River, the University campus is really nice, and many of the houses on the University side are heritage-style homes. But there are also a lot of what are called "prairie bungalows" in the semi-urban stretches. Those are ranchers with basements, apparently, but they're not called ranchers with basements. Whatever.

What I found odd - or enterprising, however you want to view it - were the number of these formerly residential properties that are used as commercial businesses, and the number of them which house two different businesses in the one space! For example, the "natural healing" clinic which also has "U-Haul Rentals" in the single-car garage. Not sure how that works. Or "Debbie's Dream Home Service" who also runs "Debbie's Diet Centre". I guess if you don't fit into your dream house Debbie will help you slim down to fit in there. Provided you're only using the U-Haul from the single-car-garage natural healing centre. Granted, these days we can find the mortgage broker, real estate agent, and conveyancer all in one office, but at least those things are related! I'm curious how someone decides they'll open their natural healing clinic and rent U-Hauls at the same time; what market is there that we haven't discovered?

Today is being spent at home, it's extremely windy out today and actually quite cold. It rained for most of the night so hopefully the clouds are just blowing past us today since it's supposed to get better for the weekend. Still have not gone a day without wearing a sweater or long sleeves, and have not yet worn my shorts. We heard the wolves howling last night in the rain and I went through the house and on the sun porch counting pets and kittens to make sure all the "urchins" - as Dad calls them - were all accounted for. Haven't gone out to check on the ones in the garage but the kittens on the porch are all fine.

Anyone want a kitten? I can take a pet on board WestJet in my carryon baggage.... :)

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